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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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hey guise i was looking for a way to bypass audible membership. For example, disposable adresses.
Either way i am accepting knowledge of any free audiobook services of any language


and yes i know librivox exists


just pipe a book into espeak.


Okay, pro tip here.

When signing up for any free service (that requires email) use the old mail server "+" trick

Sign up like so:

You will receive an email to, and one will also be sent to The website will likely treat this as one address, but the mail server will treat it as two. This lets you get infinite free trials for services.

The more you know.



Plus Sign just tags stuff, you still get only one mail to your address. The sender might see this as different address though.


or how about stop encouraging and patronizing websoykaf services. you're simultaneously wasting your own time and doing your part in padding their subscription numbers when they go for that n-th round vc funding. just. say. no. to. websoykaf. services.

there's still torrents, there's public and private trackers, and if you feel like there's not enough trackers stand up your own, find irc channels (yo they still exist!) where you can share audio books. find ways to share stuff that you've already assembled too. try to maybe live up to a fraction of that "cyberpunk" self-identification.


wow rude
OP asked for 2 things:
1) Bypassing Audible
2) Any information on free audiobooks
nowhere in that was there even a hint of "self-identification."
The part about torrents was nice, but asking OP to stand up a tracker was pointless. they're just looking for audiobooks.

as for OP, I'm going to +1 torrents, there's also a filebot in #books on applechan irc. hope you find what youre looking for.


god dam wordfilters.
lain chan dot org irc.


Not really a cool trick but you could use the app: OverDrive. The app lets you borrow audiobooks for 28 days, (which you could probably rip anyways).

You only need to get a library card (which is free if you live in the state) and register it with your overdrive account. Then you would be allowed to download some audiobooks. And it's all legal !

…Or you can pirate the audiobooks here:


Not op. But audiobooks are notoriously hard to get in a timely manner. And if the book is a relatively unknown title, you'll never see it on the trackers. And I collect audiobooks as a hobby. audiobookabb and audiobookbay are great places to torrent, but they still suffer from the same symptom.


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