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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1521867019340.jpg (128.8 KB, 546x780, serveimage2.jpg)


Do any of you knows were to find a subtitle track that covers only the japanese-written panels in Lain? I like my language's dubbing, but without subtitles i can't read all of those parts.


File: 1521879461510.jpg (157.66 KB, 1440x810, 5f2410157e878af99c1627fd13….jpg)



You made the exact same reply on the other site. Oh excuse me, the reaction image is different.


How many panels are there? I haven't watched all episodes yet but can't remember a lot.

So if there are only a few you could just turn on subtitles for that moment a.k.a. press v in mpv.

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