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Kalyx ######

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Who is going to HOPE this Summer? We can have a coffee, talk about the revolution and stuff. Regardless of what we do we will have a good time and I will be representing arisuchan.


What is HOPE? I looked it up and there's dozens.


Hackers on Planet Earth:


I would love to attend but the flight cost alone would cost me over thousand bucks.

I wish you have fun Alice and that you find some like minded friends


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>Who is going to HOPE this Summer?
I will be there. ^_^


maybe will, but ought to get a ticket sometime sooner than later


I plan to attend as well


I'll be there this year too… hope to run into a few of ya'll.


Closer to the date we should organize a meetup time or something. Would be cool to finally meet alice.


Just found out about it now. Had a look through their site, and NYC isn't too far from where I am.
I might just have to drop by. I'll buy my tickets in a few weeks I guess haha.

Question though: do the tickets include the hotel cost? Don't see any info anywhere, and 170$ is a pretty steep price just for straight admission…


I've never heard of this before, but I'm curious about it and will take a look at their website. I hope you have fun, Alice.


It is pretty steep. While you dont get residence anywhere, you can sleep in the centre (I dont know how easy this will be though).

If you ask around on irc you might be able to get a shared room with some other folk.

Hope to see you there, alice!


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bump. we're only one week away alices. schedule is live, some of the talks look pretty great:



see you there alice.

Also do we want to chat about quite how all the we should all find eachother (apart from that everyone with an arisu or lain sticker is probably a Cool Kid.) ?



Hey Alice's. I forgot my lain sticker to walk around with, but I'm wearing a BlackHat (like the con) messenger bag. If you see me say hi.


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hi alice!

Pretty sure I was sitting behind you in at least one talk, I noticed the bag, but alas was offline the entire weekend so didnt know it was a lain till too late.


That's awesome.

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