>>2364have you ever been stopped at a us border, or had your computers inspected?
I too have crossed US and other international borders several times recently, and the extent of my problems has been forgetting to put quite all of my electronics in a separate bin for the scanner.
I am curious about the experiences of someone who has attracted more attention. What did they want, and what was needed to satisfy them? Did they have an interest in devices like external hard disks (or general hard disks) or just in working computers (cellphones laptops etc)? If its not too prying, what exact airports did this occur at, and are there any details of your physical appearance, background, et cetera, that might incur above-average suspicion?
Additionally: as I understand it if you are a US citizen you _must_ be allowed into the US, the cbp can take your devices but they cannot block your entry into the country for noncooperation.