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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Kalyx ######

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Tox is a decentralized encrypted alternative to skype developed by chan users for chan users. It supports text, audio, video, and group chats.

Come join Club Cyberia toxs largest group chat. You can get invited to the group chat by adding lainbot the friendly club cyberia group bot. Lainbots ID is:


You will need to install a tox client. qtox is the recommended option but there are a variety of clients such as toxic for cli users.

Download links can be found on the description page at "". Binaries are provided for Windows, OSX, and Linux. You can also build it yourself if you are feeling adventurous.

Once you add lainbot as a friend just type "invite 0" to get a invitation. You can also type "help" for more options.
lainbot should automatically send you an invitation when you start tox.

WARNING: Tox is a peer to peer program without servers just like torrents. This means that your friends on Tox can see your IP. If you are worried about this you need to use Tor. Luckily Tox has easy Tor integration, just go into your settings and setup the SOCKS5 proxy for anonymous chatting.


I saw you shilling this on 8ch(?) as well. I don't really see the reason to use the program, it has been seen as problematic in the past, poor development, and most implementations are abandoned.


Your critiques appear valid. Tox is probably generally not the best choice for chat things at this time, especially in the very wide world with xmpp and irc and all the things.

If you wish to join tox, the only reason I can really see is to join the community. Tox's Club Cyberia is, last I was there, at least somewhat interesting, but full of trolling, spam, and internet nazis. If that's your jam, cool, go join. If its not, then perhaps you would be better off looking elsewhere.


I hear a lot about tox on /g/, and the reception was primilarly negeative. Why is that?


>>2270 XMPP and IRC are not decentralized


>99% of all channels are hosted on Freenode


alice just said its _not_ decentralized. even considering a single alone IRC server, the basic model isnt decentralized.

while in principal this is true, tox is probably not the best option for secure anon private chat. it has somewhat worrisome vulnerabilities, and it doesnt seem they are going to be ready for serious use, for a while, still.

> )

Things like IRC are not decentralized, no. but seldom do I want to use something because it is decentralized (if you want to use tox for this cool quality, go ahead), I do it because I perceive decentralization as awarding me other benefits. I presently would far more trust something like i2p or tor, combined with irc and otr, than tox to keep my identity and location hidden, and my conversations private.


You people confuse between decentralized and distributed. Learn the difference, skrubz


I think most of us know the difference, but getting stuck in semantical derailments in a technical discussion isnt productive. Tox has problems? OK, lets discuss those problems!


The first reply named some of them.


tox dev here I made the website and some other soykaf

it's soykaf and hasn't had any significant developments for about 4 years

it's broken and dont trust it


Did you even read the issue you linked. The whole "vulnerability" is saying that if someone steals your private key they can impersonate you. No soykaf. Obviously if someone steals your private key you are fucked. Your full disk encryption is gonna be pretty broken too once you give someone your password.

There are systems like they discuss that have different less damaging (still fucked) failure cases if your private key is stolen, however those systems have different fundamental trade-offs, It's not a matter of one being superior.


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Iirc the double ratchet system helps with this by renegotiating keys every few messages.
Then if someone gets your private key they only get access to old messages and can’t send any new ones.


Sorry, I'm an idiot.
This is totally false. You're still fucked if you have your secret key compromised.


How is XMPP not decentralized? You can self host your own account any time and can contact / communicate with any other user of the protocol.

Do you not know what decentralization is?


Perhaps they equate "decentralization" with "peer to peer". It's certainly an erroneous standpoint, but a common one.


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Please don’t derail the thread.
Ok, back onto the topic:
Isn’t peer to peer just a form of distributed system?


Yes it is, but bootstrap servers are needed to discover other peers.
A server keeps metadata on you and acts as third party adversary.
Connections are direct, so local adversaries have more chances of profiling you too.
Tox is a solution against Microsoft/Google/Apple spying, not against ISP/FBI/KGB/SIS.
It all depends on your threat map and is not a all-in-one solution.


Tox is not an anonymity network and if they tried to make it one it would be a stupid idea.

Connections are not required to be "direct". Tox works just fine over an anonymity network such as tor.

Bootstrap servers are not required to find peers that is simply the most convenient way. You could go ask a good chum of yours to provide their IP for you and you could add it as the node in the bootup list.

Tox absolutely prevents spying by ISP FBI KGB etc. They cannot read your messages unlike say facebook messenger.

In the worst case they get timing information on when your node is online, and they get your IP address. If you don't want that meta information leaked there are existing precautions that you have to do anyways (leaving nodes online / tor).

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