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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Kalyx ######

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Hey Lain/Alice,
been lurking here for a while and thought it was time to post something.

I have some background in crypto, and have been doing research in the area when I started looking up chaos theory (dynamical systems.)
I thought that would be great for PRNG's and eventually came across chaos based cryptography.

Based off of the papers I've read: I gathered that it's promising, but no-one has been able to generate strong primitives using chaos .

What do you guys think about applications of chaos theory in cryptography/ology/analysis and steganography/etc?


Do you have any papers you can link? I'm interested in reading on this.



Well i won't lie i saw a video and read a little documents about it didn't really understand it tbh.


Wiki has some good links in the references.

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