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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Intel CSME gets sent to the shadow realm.

With this information, what are some speculations you have? Without anymore details I don't think we can form anything solid from this information, but something I do hope for is the removal of the Intel Management Engine, which is essentially a malicious processor that is built within almost all Intel CPUs from 2008 and onward, which is why you find many enthusiasts using hardware that can be librebooted or at least corebooted. The latter usually works with these new CPUs but cannot remove the Intel ME, while coreboot is 100% free.

The current worrying piece of information that comes along with is the now opened attack vector, although the attacker would need a machine with USB DCI enabled and have access to it physically. If these requirements are met, we are now facing attacks from beneath the kernel, the lowest level you can achieve in the ring.

The veil is being lifted from Intel's hardware and I'm excited.



there is simply no way to know what will happen in the years to come, but one thing is almost certain: this is the current end-game of security. intel could pull more of the same; introduce more sheisty code, this time even more clever and hard-to-discover, or the blackhat community slowly begins to exploit these devices until no cpu with ME/PSP is safe and manufacturers forgo this idea altogether.

if intel had a strong enough motivator to introduce this bullsoykaf in the first place, chances are the motivation still exists and always will. in which case, we're just as fucked as we are now.

save us, dr. kaczynski. you're our only hope.


As someone who only uses libreboot'd hardware, this really really excites me. Thanks for posting I would not have found this news otherwise.


Inept lainon here trying to become more secure:
I've been reading a lot about this recently, but am still kind of unsure about one thing, What alternatives are there to Intel and AMD that don't have similar backdoor nonsense? As in, if I were to build a PC tommorow and wanted to avoid this bs, how would I do it?

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