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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1509730201890.jpg (69.64 KB, 1000x400, faces_0.jpg)


>The Homeland Security Department wants technology that can passively scan the faces of foreign nationals crossing the U.S. border by car, ensuring that the individuals who enter the country are the same ones who leave it.

>DHS’ Silicon Valley outpost is hosting an industry day Nov. 14 to solicit solutions that would let Customs and Border Protection scan people’s faces, even if they’re wearing sunglasses, hats or are looking away from the camera, without requiring them to slow down or exit the car.


like they're not already doing it inside the country


>your cellphone wants to scan your face every time someone takes a picture of you
>facebook wants to scan your face every time a picture is uploaded to the net

I wonder if one day, I will be able to go to a store and use my phone to buy a new phone which will be informed of my identity so that I can unlock it and download my data from the cloud automatically as soon as I remove it from the hand of the robotic cashier. That will be the day. The day when finally things are so convenient that we can finally stop optimizing and begin to do things that are legitimately, certifiably, one hundred percent pure cool.


Ironic that the system chose 'Zero Cool' for your name.

I don't see how any of that is cool.


File: 1510804866950.jpeg (15.19 KB, 300x259, egg salad.jpeg)

>i sure wish everything about me were openly available to corporations and the state, whom i'm sure have my best interests in mind

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