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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Kalyx ######

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> Pros & Cons of having a Raspberry Pi (2/3 or zero/w) in the street. Hidden and plugged. Connected to ("borrowed") wireless network or using SIM 3G/4G data plan.
>>Just looking for interesting ideas @_ @

+ Unrelated-to-you server

- Can be lost
- Have to think about weather if its outside. Can be hard to hide. (solved with some customized box or kinda)


I've heard of things being hidden in plain sight in some places for looooong periods of time. and I mean, 30-50 usd that you'd put into a device like this, its possibly worth it even if it doesnt last all that long. actually is there no reason you couldnt use a pi0 for this? that could potentially half that figure.

+monitor wireless activity in specific locations
+make use of high bandwidth in libraries/offices/etcetera
+totally cool

-potentially illegal to place / use in some areas
-simple changes to network access might render it totally useless
-limited use if its going to be fully anonymoose
-raspis are too adorable to easily part with


GSM gateway for stealth phone calls!

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