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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

low life. high tech. anonymity. privacy. security.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1505024828335.png (22.07 KB, 2000x854, matrix_white_high.png)


I thought we could use a Matrix/Riot thread.

I made a room for all lovers of Lain.
Rules and info:
Feel free to post any rooms that have something different to offer.


an unofficial arisuchan matrix exists

Posted here like a week ago or so, it's kinda dead still.


It looks like was hacked?


We really need to get more people into this! Discord does some shady business practices. The normal people most know of Riot, so we can get people to stop using discord and come use Riot instead!



The problem still is the usability. We have to find a way to make people understand that conveniences is a small price to pay.
If people would care enough even conveniences wouldn't be a problem anymore.


Yeah, securuty breach. All pwd hashes obtained, though no plain text paswords have been leaked, this is not good


I changed my password just in case.


This right there is why centralization is bad.

If you want massive breaches, have massive user counts on one server, federated protocol or not.


>Yeah, securuty breach. All pwd hashes obtained, though no plain text paswords have been leaked, this is not good
I hope to hell that Matrix's admins were following best practices for salting. But I'm going to guess not.


riot, wasn't as great as I thought it was.


What do you mean? Care to go in to detail?


real nibbas make their own Synapse server instead of using the official Matrix server


What client do you use? I'd rather avoid Riot's electron implementation.




#wired is empty join up alice.


I just tried out this room, just like every other it was mostly idle. Is there a single place where I can go that I can talk that isn't idle? Is that even possible with online chat?


Make a place.

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