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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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it's 2017, I'm a normalfag and I just watched Serial Experiments Lain for the first time. good stuff.
what now?


Watch it again, and again, and again, and….
Lurk more, browse the imageboards, and have fun!


Read, watch, learn new skills. Become one with the Wired.


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Open the next!


Now watch Magic Knight Rayearth.


That's great, did you enjoy it? Where did you first hear about it? If you need another Animu with a similar feel (albeit not very /cyb/) try Kino No Tabi or Haibane Renmei. Also check out the Lanzines.

Definitely lurk on the Lainchans, there's some pretty smart people there.


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I saw SEL when it was airing. The one thing that watching the Bluray/digital version on a modern monitor doesn't capture is how fucking weird Serial Experiments Lain looked on live television on an old CRT style display. The colors they chose to use in the show made things glitch out a little on my television, and I was entranced and absolutely terrified and fascinated at how different it was from anything else I'd ever seen or experienced. In hindsight, I was way too young to be watching it, but I am glad I got to see it that way, first.

I believe there's a project somewhere online to recreate how Lain looked on a television like that, but I can't find a link.


Kino's Journey is really good i second this


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The only problem with this VHS ripped version is the subs are un spanish.!QYQFBDSA!4Ndk7Wb6eunQ2ioPJi_ovg


What was the alien for?


I think I may have originally watched this version. I had to jank around and change the subs to english manually every time I started a new episode, and even then they were out of sync with the pauses in the episodes, so I had to resync every 5 minutes or so.

It was a pain.


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Transmetropolitan, my normalfag friend. It's not anime, it's a graphic novel. Previous knowledge of the adventures of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson is advised, but not mandatory. The Pirate Bay has it easily available in one comfortable CBR/CBZ package.

Read now, enjoy forever!

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