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Kalyx ######

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>Dear Democrats, Unless You Nominate Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump Will Win in 2020

Looking forward to a real cyberpunk dictatorship, Lain?


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I am ever so excited /)^3^(\


Now this is shilling. (And nothing says "cyberpunk" like facebook)


what the fuck happened to the democratic party? they used to actually care about the working class


>Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone in the United States
>Zuck: Just ask
>Zuck: I have over 300,000,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
>[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
>Zuck: People just voted for me.
>Zuck: I don't know why.
>Zuck: They "trust me"
>Zuck: Dumb fucks


Power, they found an easier way to get votes.


They tried to capture a new demographic(the hispanics) with identity politics and it doesn't work in America like it does in Europe. They are trying to pull away from it now but the seed has already been planted and they can't seem to control their party anymore.


I can imagine the possibility of millions of Trump supporters deleting their Facebook accounts in opposition to Zuckerberg which would be a good thing in the long run. This could do a lot of damage to Zuckerberg and his product line.


For most people who arent on Lainchan, Facebook is a utility like water and just a site. At best you will see some of the online supporters leave.


If they're too invested to not eventually delete it anyway (as many persons do), they won't.


The last election was hard enough. I'm gonna /expat/ if zuckerberg gets nominated…

To be honest I need to leave anyway,,,


dems won't vote for the party establishment so they're eventually going to have to run someone like him. it panders to the dipsoykaf "republicans don't understand SCIENCE" millennials – you know the type. san francisco techies. burning men. i honestly think that's going to be the future ethos for the party. if elon musk was american, he would be ideal for the role. just promise them a maglev train and they'll ignore the drone strikes like always. "40% of my appliances are spying on me, but it's ok because i can have a box of groceries fedex-ed to my doorstep!" all the usual self-deceit. somebody's gotta wipe california off the fucking map before it's too late.


make sure you vote for whoever's running against him first.
even if it's Trump.


Isn't this a good sign to just be against USA? I mean they are just a joke now. Just start resisting and sabotaging where you can.


>playing the game
I'm tired, alice.



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I'm calling bull, I'm a harden liberal and I can see why the last thing we want would be Mark Zuck.


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At this point, the dems really don't have any other choice than putting a silicon valley libertarian on front. Putting on a modern futurist costume to sell some optimism is their last shtick for winning this game. As pointed out in >>1380, convincing the Hispanic population with feigned identity politics didn't work. One reason is that the Obama administration started the current mass deportation machine which disgruntled the mentioned subset of the democrat's target audience.

>somebody's gotta wipe california off the fucking map before it's too late.

See attached pic. Might going to happen soon…



What do you mean by this, anon? Id-Pol isn't really a thing here in europe like it is in the US, thought it is growing. as far as i understand it, it's american ideology developed in there uni's and exported through there domination of international media.


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no they didn't, neither of the parties ever have.


Ha mate, there are groups pushing IDpol everywhere,

Look at Sweeden.



yes. are you being deliberately obtuse, or?


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>here in europe
In continental europe you mean.
Brits have been americanized.
>tfw I see the far left and right use "white" unironically as an identity, overwriting our old tribal squabbles with a new form of cancer


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We let feminism go too far

It stopped being about equality, and became about adapting marxism.

So sick of it, and I am a woman.


There are and has been for a while conservative, liberal and socialist -forms- of feminism. Feminism always was a single-issue topic. Society encompasses more things than that, which naturally leads to different configurations of gender equality in relation to more all-encompassing ideologies. That doesn't make Marxist feminism for example 'not feminism' just because you're upset that it includes threats to either your comfy position as an exploiter of the working class (which includes women) or your aim to reach such a position.


>may be their only hope of retaking the White House in 2020.
The tribal mentality and concept of conquest is an even greater issue. Politics should be about informed specificity and reasoning, not a shallow, forced war chant for some individual or faction.


>It stopped being about equality, and became about adapting marxism.
I don't know what marxism is nor have I actually read any of Marx's works, the post.


You really should read some of his work regardless of your political opinion.


If mark zucc gets the nomination American Politics will be dead

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