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/cyb/ - cyberpunk and cybersecurity

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1501145159901.svg (5.13 MB, hyperface.svg)


Here is a .svg of the hyperface camo. I apologize this was the first time I tried something like this and I maybe screwing it up. If I did any points would be great.
This is a link to the original thread .org/sec/res/246.html

If anyone else has some ideas please share. soykaf is scary.
Here is some spooky stuff. If you are not familiar with this video it is sort of depressing how bad it is but we can not get mopey like a bunch of cunts. Defcon: Privacy's Dead.


File: 1501145569654.jpg (47.11 KB, 480x515, kdok3jdi-g34d1499006477445….jpg)

Sorry I suppose I should explain what HyperFace is for those that are unfamiliar.

"HyperFace is a new kind of camouflage that aims to reduce the confidence score of facial detection and recognition by providing false faces that distract computer vision algorithms"


nice, but, it's still not tiling…
did you just use inkscape's "tracke bitmap" tool with 26 grey steps? because the rounded corners look like it.

make an svg tiling, especially using inkscape, is near impossible, i think.
it would be easiest to first make the pixel graphics tiling, then retry tracing.
maybe i get around to do that, do you have your version of the pixel version hyperface you used to trace?

essentially something like this:


Thank you. I never did anything like this. I really appreciate the tip.



That's called Dazzle

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