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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1553329568749.png (396.71 KB, 547x404, cycle.png)


One day you're gonna open your eyes on a reseted existence, another new existence for ruin it again and again. How we can get off this cycle? How we still allowing to this happen?

I can't long this anymore.


What is a cycle to you is just a static circle to me; if I abstract even more, it's just a well defined dot doing its well defined job.


File: 1553363527890.png (303.33 KB, 450x750, amerixan.png)

Try and change


Everything is cyclic, cycles are inevitable and inescapable. When you seem to be leaving one cycle, you are just shifting it.


well if you're asking me to get super schizo and tell my true opinions, time is an illusion. well, in the way we think of it. it's a fixed thing most of the time; it is in this reality because we have the concept of time so every possibility exists yes, but any one connecting line will be seen as a timeline, which has always existed and always will exist, but also is coming into existence gradually if you look at it within the realms of its own rules. if you want to keep your ego but not the reality attached to it you need to put more value into abstract concept. soon enough you'll realize keeping your ego hinders your ability to explore concept outside this timeline. everything just is; material is only another concept. there is no savior, there is no ruin, there is only change that both happens and doesn't and has both existed forever and only exists in a moment. nothing lasts, but nothing is lost. hope that wasn't too word salad-y for you to get the gist; these things are hard to talk about with constructed language.


such a good fucking movie

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