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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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hey ive been having this since like 4-5 months

so basically like any normal human i have hands. but theres some fucketry, sometimes i feel like these aren't my hands.
it just feels like there are hands,they're attached to me but i cant control them. [not like they tickle, but really as not mine.]all i do is send a nerve signal to move them like id normally do and they do respond. sometimes only one is "unlinked", sometimes both. i also have growing difficulties to concentrate at all[ w/ or w/out anything to distract me], loosing the sense of irony and sarcasm, and like if my brain weighted in certain area when concentrating on different domains [explaining, thinking, concentrating= front, easy math / chemistry or science soykaf = sides of back and right side of head. ive tested if it was blood but it seems to even be active when laying on any side.]
had this longer than anti-déjà-vu hands thing

lately, i've been finding myself holding my right hand using my other one, like if it was a threat or something. ik that sounds nonsense but, has anyone had the same "symptoms" ?
also sometimes i get it by just spinning them slowly a bit around and looking at them. [that works only in the dark or with long sleeves that have minimal contact w/ arm. ]


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