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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Hello. We are a group of senior tech specialists who would like to provide a forum for discussion based on mysticism as it relates to the technological world. For three decades now, myself and my colleagues have been devoting ourselves to uncovering lesser known knowledge surrounding programming and it's history in higher planes of thought. The paranormal, the physical, and topics without discernible form all have their places here. We would like to remind you that this channel is very new and requires more setup. We are still regaining contact with our colleagues as well. However, the venue is ready for visitors. Three of us are already present.

So come, join us on Discord at:
(Simply cut and paste the invite link) /wz8JYwh


If you wish for a community then have it here. Not in a botnet soykaf hole like discord.


Do you have some interesting ebooks or overall leads to recommend regarding the possible connections between technology and mysticism?


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Technology itself is inheritently mystic in nature as is everything. Simply being.

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