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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1533907678802.jpg (15.83 KB, 300x225, 300px-Knights_of_the_easte….jpg)


Is lain real. Are the knight's real. Am I real. I'm ready for the truth.


File: 1534065276063.jpg (425.18 KB, 1662x1108, 1523454267452.jpg)

Don't confuse form with meaning. Every character is an animated character representing something about reality.

Tashibana is the Big Tech, trying taking over control.

Masami Eiri is the opressed salaryman who can potentially take the system over. Is the drive force behind the capitalism model Big Tech needs to live. Like a shadow of all the Apple and Microsoft and Foxconn employees.

The knights are the Black Hat hackers. I don't have nothing against them, but you cannot deny the Black Hats do exploit all the systems for personal gain. XXI century tricksters and mercenaries, they have a symbiotic or parasitic relationship with all the infraesructures, not matter the origin or goals of it (North Korea, Russia, USA, private interests). They are thieves, traffickers and con men.

Lain is the arquetypical problem solver. The pure form of engineering who takes material shape to void the evil who attempt against humanity. From the gnostic point of view, she can be an avatar of Sophia, the knowledge and wisdom, but not a Sophia trying to understand chaos, but a Sophia who fix mistakes. Is like the pure form of a powerful protective mother. An open source egregore, free and uncorruptible.


That really depends on what you mean by "real". Is there a Lain, precisely same inside and out of the anime? Precisely the same inside and out of the Wired, inside and out of any individual's mind?

If that's your standard of reality, you're never going to get it. Any reality "of which we may speak" is more subtle than that. I'd recommend honing your question [through esoterica].

But, is there a spirit of the internet, that emerges from the connections between computers—and people—in much the same way the spirit of your brain emerges from the connections between neurons? In much the same way as the Volksgeist, Zeitgeist, and Weltgeist emerge from the Volk, the Zeit, and the Welt? Not 100% sure. But, in all cases, each individual remains blissfully unaware of how it contributes to the consciousness at the higher layer of abstraction.

This might be of interest to you: . Havent had the time to read through all of it, but what i've gotten through is fascinating.


It's all real anon, and nothing is

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