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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Kalyx ######

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Alright alice, we gettin all up in it now.

Have you ever seen a UFO or had an extraterrestrial encounter?

I haven't had any experiences myself. I dont believe the most famous sightings are legit, like roswell, but there is definitely a phenomena going on with floating lights (not stars). As for the greys, I have no reason to believe they are real or at all related to UFO phenomenon, but greys and UFOs flying around a night and meeting with the airforce is max comfy so im including them and am interested in all anecdotes and information related.

That said I will now recount my one experience which I think Occams razor explains well enough.

>cloudless night in the PNW coastal range, very far from civilization

>extremely clear skies, can practically see the milky way
>by myself laying on a bench in a clearing, pitch black out besides stars
>watching what appears to be a satellite move across the sky
>tiny slow moving dot, youve seen them before
>gets directly above me
>suddenly entire clearing lights up in bright white daylight
>for one instance I could see the treeline very clearly as if I had an extremely powerful headlight
>next instant everything is dark again
>eyes readjust and the satellite carries on its slow orbit to the northwest

pretty sure the satellite reflected the sun just right and lit up my spot. So probably not aliens, but still a once in a lifetime event. Totally blew my mind. Was completely sober and lucid during the event.


>pretty sure the satellite reflected the sun just right and lit up my spot
Is that possible?

Anyway, I never had any significant experience. But I did see a nocturnal light.
I was with my brother , aunt and uncle on the rooftop in Christmas Eve when suddenly, something that I can only describe as a fireball crossed the sky above our heads.
At first we thought that it was just fireworks but it didn't make any sound and it was too big.
Aside that it was a round object, I couldn't see any details as it was really fast.


>Is that possible?
idk, but best explanation I can provide that isnt orbital gangstalking or aliens. Was definitely not an illusion and was also definitely some type of satellite.

>I can only describe as a fireball

did it look like it was made of fire? also where did it cross to, did it fly up and away or disappear over the horizon or something? sounds interesting.


Well, I wasn't there, but that just sounds like a meteor. These happen all the time, but in someplaces, its too dark to see (most of) them. That said, its not uncommon for large ones to be visible from the ground, and that sounds basically like what you describe to me anyway.

I wonder if perhaps a reflective mirror (like for an antenna) could have had you in its focus, (more or less anyway). Sounds pretty freaky anyway.

Is there anyway that could have been a coincidental lightning strike in the distance? often if there is a storm sort of far out, one can see the flashes at night, though the distance mutes and delays the thunder to the point of indiscerability.


>Is there anyway that could have been a coincidental lightning strike in the distance?

not a chance. It was ridiculously clear out. Thats how I was able to trace it across the sky (like any old satellite). The flash happened when it was directly above me too. My guess is something reflective. It lit up the entire clearing.


>did it look like it was made of fire? also where did it cross to, did it fly up and away or disappear over the horizon or something? sounds interesting.
I was in a suburban area, so it's not like I could see far in the distance.
I barely caught a glimpse of it. From where we were standing, it appeared to come from behind. I saw something shiny above our heads and before I could focus my sight at the sky it had already crossed it in straight line.

>Well, I wasn't there, but that just sounds like a meteor. These happen all the time, but in someplaces, its too dark to see (most of) them. That said, its not uncommon for large ones to be visible from the ground, and that sounds basically like what you describe to me anyway.
It could have been. But my impression is that it's halo was too big to be meteor.


I think UFOs and Aliens are a very interesting topic, I've read several books about it when I was in my teens (yes, school wasn't easy for me), seen a lot of documentaries and from time to time still read about sightings and meetings between humans and aliens.

First off, given the endlessness of space and the billions and billions of planets, I believe that there are some planets where life developed. Some of this life may just be bacteria or other small animals, on other plants maybe there are living creatures that are humanoid and have a basic civilization, some may even have more advanced societies and technologies then we do.

Now the question is: when did these civilizations arise? Given the relatively short span our species will have lived in the universe and on this planet once we're gone (I personally don't believe humanity will survive the next few hundred years) some of those alien species may have died out already or reached a state of an advanced technological civilization when life started to develop on earth or we still lived in cages.

With all that said, that brings me to my general problem that I have with this UFO/Alien visiting.
Even if we ignore all the physical difficulties about traveling these vast distances through space, why would an alien species send their people and not drones or robots?
Given that even with very advanced space travel technology it could take hundreds of years to come to earth, why would they not simply send a robot?

the other question that I have and that, at least in the literature I've consumed, what would they want from us? They could be interested in resources and maybe some basic informations about us as humans, our technology and our environment. From my point of view that doesn't really fits in with the dark conspiracies and stories about abductions.

So why do I still have some believe in it? There have been mass sightings of aliens and ufos that I simply can't refute and, while many ufo sightings can be explained through planes, drones, space debris etc., there is still a small percentage of sightings that can't be 'rationally' explained.

I want to end this with two anecdotes from my father.
When my father was a young teenager he and some friends went camping near a small lake. My father had trouble sleeping so he laid down in the grass outside his tent. Until this day he swears that he saw a light bulb, similar to a star, moving quickly and in strange but coordinated movements.

The other story comes from a friend of my father who, during his time in the military, was stationed at an airfield. In the months he spend there, he would see strange objects on the radar. Given that it was back in the cold war one could think about secret soviet plane but now that all their secret technology from back then is public knowledge, the movement patterns just don't fit any plane.

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