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/x/ - paranoia

just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you.

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Kalyx ######

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Anyone else remember weird soykaf with black helicopters in the days following 9/11?

Distinctive memory of seeing some black helicopters touch down in a parking lot in front of a grocery store and load up some people onto them.


There was a lot of military activity on and immediately after 9/11. I remember seeing quite a few dangerously low flying military aircraft the day of 9/11. It was kind of scary at the time as of course I didn't understand what the purpose of their flights were. I thought perhaps there was another attack or a war was breaking out.


Time to shill my favorite youtuber. If your attention span lasts no longer than 5 minutes, watch the first link. If it lasts an hour or two, watch the playlist on the second link. If you are prepared to sit down for several hours then click then third link.

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