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File Synchronization General

We all need to sync files from server to server, server to client , client to client, what tools do you guys use? How do you find it?


Git Annex
OpenSSH/SFTP with RSync
Resilio (Closed Source)
Seafile community edition

I only included Resilio because I know some lains use it and trust it, personally I am using SyncThing with global Discovery disabled and LAN only, my systems can talk to each-other over WiFi or VPN, but not over the internet.


Nextcloud for easy syncing of particular files across devices and passing files from mobile to everywhere else.

rsync for backups, either over LAN or to a usb hard drive


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I user duplicity to the Amazon Cloud for backups, basically RSync, PGP, and Par2 all rolled up on one.

Who cares the data is on the cloud, PGP is secure as fuck.


Syncthing between phone and laptop, rsync between laptop and home server, and rclone (with encryption) from home server to offsite backup. Easy-peasy. Syncthing is a bit of a battery hog though.

I'd tried Owncloud/Nextcloud, but their android clients are still hilariously lacking in automatic file sync features. They're nowhere near as full-featured as the desktop clients.


Recently I've got nextcloud set up and it works flawlessly between desktop, tablet, phone, etc.
I've got it installed on my hosting account for work related things and push other personal items encrypted on another remote instance. Works pretty good in my case as I selectively sync different folders across these sites and pull everything into my desktop.

I've tried owncloud and seafile before and it was nowhere as easy as this.


i've never needed anything more than scp for one-time transfers, rsync for site backups, and git for longer-term formal sync between multiple machines.

is there some usecase that doesn't play nicely with these?



One use-case is when one can't trust the storage provider, like all those cloud storage services or with unencrypted harddrives plugged directly into home routers.

Something like rclone (MIT license, is better suited for those situations than rsync. If encryption is set up in the config (which is dead simple), it does on-the-fly encryption (including the filenames) during syncing. No data or metadata is ever in plaintext on the remote end. It's AES256, and the user can specify not just the password but also the salt.

Some people might argue that rsync over encfs over fuse is better, but I've always had bad luck with that. It's a little too rube goldberg for my tastes. Rclone does it all in one program.


ah, mmm, that's pretty interesting

would prefer the second setup, but still a nice option to have


I use syncthing for syncing files too. I use either sftp, rsync or samba (depending on mood pretty much) for transferring files over LAN.
I used to use nextcloud, but I stopped using it when they scanned everyone's instances and reported outdated versions to ISPs and government authorities.
Also this, the nextcloud android app is soykaf at syncing.



>I used to use nextcloud, but I stopped using it when they scanned everyone's instances and reported outdated versions to ISPs and government authorities.

Huh. Link to info on this?



I'm not technically allowed to run a server of any kind from my home network, but my ISP doesn't pay attention. If someone told them by emailing abuse@ISP because they thought they were doing me a favor, I would hurt them until it stopped making me mad.



Oh wow. That is some straight-up pants-on-head-retarded behaviour on the part of Nextcloud's devs. Informing third parties like ISPs before contacting users, especially when those third parties might specifically prohibit the use of servers on the connection? Good lord. I can't even begin to understand the thought process behind this boneheaded decision.

I don't currently run Owncoud or Nextcloud (either on a public IP or internally on my LAN), but this good to know. Thanks for the link.


You can listen to a Nextcloud guy try and rationalize it here: it's pretty funny to listen to him squirm. I know that I am never going to use Nextcloud again.


Forgot to mention, Nextcloud discussion starts at 50:20.


man that sucks, did anyone try to fork it after this?



Thanks for linking this. I was on the fence on what I've been hearing about owncloud/nextcloud.

I feel the Nextcloud guy (Jos) did extremely well defending against 3 unprofessional interviewers that degraded it into a rant session. Afterwards they go back and recant things they said during the interview saying maybe they were too harsh because he was late, etc. Then from a high horse they preach about "responsibility" in software development as if they are saints and have flawless work.

So, looking at this on the whole I've a ton more respect for Jos and Nextcloud willing to even speak to randoms as this is literally, the type of soykaf show you will see. This was not a candid interview, 3 rabid dogs on 1 man and he handled them well.

Jos and Nextcloud honestly didn't have to give a soykaf about their users but it turns out they do have a sense of responsibility even if the software they made is under a different flag (Owncloud). I'd rather see a bunch of angry hypocrites ranting about soykaf they got for free than another Wannacry-tier debacle. (Owncloud 5 was free and a very old version at that, windows XP of nextcloud)

So, they did what was necessary to get these systems patched. They left it with the shadow server people and they took action accordingly which was warn the ISP. Major sec vulnerabilities aren't something to publish on a blog post and tracking down users without contact info is pretty impossible, let alone getting them to apply an update.

I don't know all the little details and but based on this interview alone, I'd still use Nextcloud over google drive/dropbox/etc.



I don't think that most people have a problem with the Nextcloud devs taking security seriously. The problem is that the Nextcloud devs didn't seem to give a single thought to the trouble that they could cause to home users by drawing attention to the existence of Nextcloud servers on residential no-servers-allowed ISPs. Especially when any given ISP might be the only ISP available in any particular area.


Did anyone notice the recent development on syncthing, especially the receive only folders for backup replication means or the Android app syncthing-fork on f-droid which allows selective per folder sync conditions and is mostly battery friendly? I'm happy using those two since about two months.

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