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Kalyx ######

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As it stands I've fully switched away from anything Microsoft related and I am not running full on Linux. I've already had Linux for over 4 years now, so I know a bit about all of the things around Linux, but I thought that not everyone is like me so why not make a thread about beginner tips n' tricks for Linux!
I'll start of course:
Browse Wiki's (installgentoo, Arch and uhhhmm..)
Learn to use the terminal and its commands! (Like man!)
Don't distro hop and start out with a light-weight distro like Mint/Xubuntu.
Try to use the mouse as little as possible.





Been on Linux since 1998.

Not bashing this. The advice is solid, but i honestly feel best middle-ground is to use Slackware first. Starting on a Desktop-centric distro will create psy resistance to going primitive. Mint/Xubuntu are seriously soild, but nature shows the baby has to be thrown out of the nest.

Those pretty, convenient packages don't come out of thin air. Good idea to learn how to compile, then flat pack them using the distros tools.

+ Slack isn't rolling. I don't see why anyone should use a roller unless they're developers. Even then, if you're new to *nix, i'd recommend CentOS over any Arch or Ubuntu base. New users will get the soykafs when things break. If they haven't broken for you…trust me, they will. Give it time.

Condemning distro hopping is seriously the best advice I've seen. Stick with your tool. When you hit a problem, fix it, rather than finding the easiest route. Remember, it's a fucking Kernel, not the tools. Don't be lazy. Sort it. :)


Love you too! <3
>But nature shows that baby has to be thrown out of the nest.
You're certainly right about that, I also learned the most by doing exactly that in my life, except for when I switched to Linux. I'm running Debian/Xubuntu due to updates and or stability since I'm that kind of man. Also yeah, I still don't know how to compile, what a tarball is (isn't it just like a zip file?) and all of the other stuff. However I do know how to use fstab and install ncmpcpp hehe.

Sorry, what's a roller? Isn't it like a rolling release or? Also yeah, things have broken for me plenty of times and I've spent hours trying to fix stuff on my machine through various guides but it kinda feels great.

Haha yeah, I don't really get people who distrohop, sure I've had the thoughts but why even bother? Not like you'll gain more experience by hopping, maybe you will get some HIGH STREET CRED by running Parabola on an old salvaged R52 thinkpad, but I don't really care about that. Thank you for responding :)


As opposed to the answers here, I think distro hopping is the best solution
Well I started using Ubuntu as my first GNU/Linux distribution, then I've hopped to it's flavors then to every other distribution imaginable to man
For me it worked quite well, I could've just kept using Ubuntu and tried different WMs and DEs in it but I just decided to try other distributions altogether.
When I did this I actually learned a lot, the DEs and WMs that were present in such distributions were already configured for your use, if it were for me to use Ubuntu, manually debloat it and then install my own proffered WM and configure that I would've already given up and I would still be on Windows, If I would've not given up I would be on a point of constant stagnation because if I wouldn't know the benefits of other distributions and I would be just like a Windows user, defending my distribution just because I have a sentimental value attached to it.
What I'm saying is that if you distro hop you can learn about new package managers and see the possibilities of customizing a desktop and what so on
This might not work for you but it did work for me.


Basic questions to ask yourself if you are planning to switch:
Is my hardware supported? (searching [model name of your device] + linux can be quite revealing)
Does using a LiveCD not end in complete disaster?
Will Linux meet my computing needs? (ie. vidya, messaging apps, etc.)
Are there places I can easily search/ask questions if things go wrong?

If you just want to dip your toes, distro hop, rice things up, and play with a terminal then try things out in a Virtual Machine.

I honestly have no idea what to recommend someone entirely new to GNU/Linux operating systems nowadays.


I think this might be a good point, if you want to "learn" linux anyway.

Hopping also forces you to realize what's standard and whats not, whats common and whats rare, and what are patterns of different distro families.

My personal story (n00b to professional sysadmin in 3 years (I didnt mean for it to work out this way)) started on arch, broke many things and fixed somewhat fewer, was willing to live with a less than working system more often than not. I distro hopped a ton for maybe months 6-18 before settling on close to my current arrangement, and spent the balance sorting out the finer points of packaging software, handling servers and networks, and many other bits of the arcana.


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