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Kalyx ######

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I'm curious what's Arisu's experience with and thoughts on online learning. I did a few MOOCs and used some "webapps" to study various things but they were mostly disappointing. It's just recorded lectures, repetitive exercises (almost always multiple choice tests) and desperate calls to socialize in an environment that actively discourages it.

It seems to me that today the best use of "online learning" is just to pirate some good books about the topic and hang out on forums. But how could online learning be done "right"?


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I never readed any books about linux, vim, math. I'm learning them by playing with them and duckducking if any problem occurs. Tho I'm not good in any of those anyway. I learned programming basics by reading a book about it and it didn't felt different from the first method. Also I never heard about anyone who just learned something only by reading a book about it. It seems like the best way of getting gud is just doing something with the thing that you're learning, no matter how you learn it, because that's just how human brain works (or at least I believe that brain works like that). But yea, books are mostly fuller of knowledge so if you want to become a specialist at a certain topic read books!


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I personally don't bother with MOOC unless I have to. Tough there are a few OCW courses
that seem interesting. I find that I retain information much better using books.
Since I can go at my own pace, skip chapters I already know or just skim through them.

We live in the best time so far in terms of ability to educate oneself without anything but internet
access. Why not make use of it.
I just download a bunch of books related to the topic and start reading.
I also saved up a lot of stuff from 20-50G torrent packs in case the net goes down in the future,
as in AI makes finding copyrighted stuff easy, censorship and such. I imagine most users of this board also have a nice little library.
Seeing as a lot of stuff is getting deleted it's better to backup everything.
Tough most of my books are from public trackers,
because I'm not social enough (even online) to get into private ones.

Tough I would like to create some sort of an autodidact chat group
for sharing and helping each other, as I couldn't find any, aside from groups on Discord,
which I refuse to use. At the same time I don't feel my knowledge is good enough to create a
group like that and pretend I'm some sort of an all knowing, wise person.


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I've always found that online learning is vastly inferior in comparison to a hands-on approach. Sadly since I'm also shy as hell I rarely go on forums, so I stick to mostly troubleshooting my problems by myself. So, I recommend just digging in, seeing where it takes you. Depending on what your learning, sometimes books can also be somewhat confusing in the sense of trying to explain a 2D object on a 3D plane, it just comes across as off. But when you find the right one it's super helpful, so tear through a few pages, for sure.


Just pirate some books,practice everything you read and see.One friend of mine uses sone torrented Udemy courses and they are quite decent.


You could just create an autodidact thread here, I don't think you need any specific knowledge for that.


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books have exercises in them that you can do, and also generally give you a more technically accurate understanding as well as a much more conceptual understanding than internet tutorials.

a/exercises.) it is difficult for a novice to understand what to do with say, static polymorphism, but the book can give self-contained exercises for the novice to do and then he can apply that knowledge to his own projects.

b/conceptual.) tutorials, especially video tutorials, are usually made by click-thirsty indians with the least possible amount of effort. often times, their explanations are not even technically accurate. the major benefit of books, though, is greater than even technical accuracy; they generally attempt to explain the CONCEPTS of what they are explaining, not just simple techniques. this will give the novice a much deeper understanding.

however, there is no substitute for gritty real world experience. people who do not have personal projects will never be as good as those who do.


>that online learning is vastly inferior in comparison to a hands-on approach
i've always found that online learning is a vastly hands-on approach


What kind of online learning you think of?


Did you learn how to drive a car online? Would you think an online course was adequate for firearms safety or learning how to operate a jackhammer? You could read the Vice guide to eating pussy but that doesn't mean you're good at the act until you get down there a few times.


IMO opinion learning is a solitary activity. Resources like books, lectures, and excersizes are useful, and communicating with peers is generally not so useful. MOOCs suck because they wabt accounts and schedules. MIT OCW is the best online lecture resource b/c it makes high quality lectures available without hassle as CC media. Yale has a similiar program called open yale courses.

I prefer books and excersizes.

>You could just create an autodidact thread here, I don't think you need any specific knowledge for that.
Someone do that please.

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