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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I have an idea, but i really don't know if it make any sense. Asking for your opinion

I have a laptop (not so new, but powerful enogugh for VM's) and would like to install
some minimal linux distro for just lunching other OS'es, but mainly for windows.

In my point of view it will simplify managing/reinstalling/wipingoff windows os. when I need fresh install I just put a copy of it in right directory and lunch from VM (purely from terminal without GUI) so I don't need proceed any installation from scratch anymore. I can encrypt/decrypt guest os when needed and VM will add some extra security layer if I can call it this way.

What the traps and pitfalls of doing this? Make any sense?
>Negative thing it will extend the time for booting: BIOS/UEFI->Bootloader->minimal linux->guestOS


In principal this will work.

Some people have made questions over the topic of using virtualization for security purposes – it adds another large layer that could open many more vulnerabilities.

Quite how you'd launch a vm with graphics directly from the commandline, Im not sure, I'd imagine if you have a gpu to passthough this might be ideal. Perhaps this is the case.


Qemu/KVM is the best way to do what you're describing. If your focus is really on disposable VMs, Lubuntu and Virtualbox is easier to get going and easier to get right. Don't sweat the host overhead if you have any business virtualizing Windows.


>Some people have made questions over the topic of using virtualization for security purposes – it adds another large layer that could open many
>more vulnerabilities.

What do you mean? what kind of vulnerabilities?


I dont know of any specifically, the argument is that inevitably you have more code, and with more code there is more space for there to be bugs.


Proper virtualization decreases attack surface because hypervisors have less code than kernels, but adds overhead.
OP, try Qubes, it is graphical and already has security measures you won't know about. Or you may read their documentation with code and come up with something better.

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