Yes, of course. It's like when you walk and you know with which foot you are going to step on the first step of the stairs.
There a LOT of obscure processes that your mind does. By far most of what you do actually. Your mind just makes a good job at making it all seem on purpose by building a conscious experience in which you choose the words you say, while actually they are just said for you as you think about what to say.
That's at least my take on it, that one is like an orchestra director. When you practice something (typing, singing, playing an instrument, painting) you are just consciously guiding another neural network that will take care of it for you later. You just teach it how to do it.
You never think where you are going to step next when you walk. You just let yourself go, and there is someone else putting your feet between you and the Earth.
Your personal, built-in, low-level slave.
>>1245no, it's not that, that's another thing
Knowing how to move your fingers to type is, but knowing which sequence of fingering to activate is another thing.
Typing the same words of course creates some sort of MM, but as
>>1338 said, it's another thing all together