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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1495282542800.jpeg (26.46 KB, 652x435, patriarch_pope.jpeg)


I dont want to frequent 2 boards. I dont want to frequent 3 irc channels.


>I dont want to frequent 2 boards. I dont want to frequent 3 irc channels.
Then don't. No one is forcing you to use both sites.


There are many things we could do
Get a .onion
Lax on moderation
Confederate like NNTPchan
Be innovative and unique, make cyberpunks want to go here


> Be innovative and unique, make cyberpunks want to go here

maybe we could start by coming up with a better cyb name than lainchan.

Beside it seems to be taken by another site.


>Beside it seems to be taken by another site.
We? I don't think you post here fam.


Really? It looks like I just did post here though??


Take a soykaf already, you're sweating profusely.

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