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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492421170259.png (44.65 KB, 1024x576, lain_iwakura__serial_exper….png)


I've noticed a lot of posts about the design of so I thought maybe it would be a good idea to start a thread dedicated to the subject. Personally, I really like how the new board is darker, but others might not agree. What are your thoughts lain?


>What are your thoughts lain?

Given that the site was registered literally two days ago I must say that I'm impressed.


Way better than the theme used on dot org


I just wish you could see replies etc


>Way better than the theme used on dot org

which kind of says a lot about the .org site. it's not like it took them that long to make this one.


It's cosy here, I like it. I would like some additional themes ala old-lainchan, some of the pastel ones were nice on the eyes as a break between all the black and neon.


It also feels a lot snappier than .org in mobile. I really liked it.


I would really like fauux theme option, but the general layout is very nice.


>I would really like fauux theme option, but the general layout is very nice.
Once we're done making the default theme responsive we'll definitely be adding a fauux theme. ^_^


I have an issue with the floating catalog button, it's too big and becomes irritating after a while.
Would be much nicer if it was lower down/higher up near the boreders and smaller.

Also would be nice if the source code could be folded


Yo remove a couple of pixels of width of the reply-boxes that are underneath threads.

The the auto-sized Tor Browser window gets a horizontal scroll bar for what seems to be 2-3 millimeters of empty box space to (not) scroll sideways for.

> ~ ~ a e s t h e t i c ~ ~


>I have an issue with the floating catalog button, it's too big and becomes irritating after a while.
Would be much nicer if it was lower down/higher up near the boreders and smaller.
It has already been made quite a bit smaller. Please hard refresh and see what you think.

>Also would be nice if the source code could be folded

This is coming soon per


I'd like to see some new themes. Not that it really matters, just like it change it up a little every now and then.


Does none of you have Tor Browser??


Was never a fan of the name Lainchan, but since that will probably never change. Aesthetic wise, something flashy like Fauux that expresses the somewhat excessive design of the wired.


please remove .5-1cm of pixel-width on reply boxes.
this solves the aesthetic issue in standard tor browser on all systems except if you browse from a GameBoy or something


Sorry that I can't provide a more technical description but I mean it's a really easy fix. All it would take is to open up your Tor Browser and visit the site.
And one of you (admins) must have Tor Browser installed, right?

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