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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492414379829.png (83.56 KB, 694x422, tor.png)


I appreciate the community effort you're trying to do but why would you block tor exit nodes from posting? Hostileness towards proxys is a reason why I stay away from halfchan for example. Come on, alt-lains.

Pic related ofcourse.




File: 1492421601576.jpg (35.38 KB, 640x480, Tor-suits-640x480.jpg)

how did you guys post on .org then? or are you just asking .jp to be different?


No, I've never had issues posting from tor on
. In this case it's just the
site blocking tor posting.


Torposters can post to .org, but this site has exit nodes on a blocklist apparently. If I had to guess it is probably something that will be fixed soon.


>Torposters can post to .org, but this site has exit nodes on a blocklist apparently. If I had to guess it is probably something that will be fixed soon.

Doesnt that imply that the staff here went out of their way to block tor? If so maybe its just for the soykafstorm to pass. I frequently use tor but never for clearnet sites. Is there a reason to?


It's not like tor hasn't been blocked on .org before, when people were trying to hurt the site with CP spam and stuff. Now here is a site that many angry .org nerds want to hurt. If anything, it is wise to keep tor blocked until the soykafstorm is gone.


>angry .org nerds
Wow, what a great way to refer to the community you are trying to usurp.


Please allow tor posting.


Don't fall for false flagging!




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