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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1566050893606.png (86.17 KB, 983x403, china tier.png)


>make one post criticizing censorship on here
>get derezzed for it


Back to the bunker




I remember your post, im surprised they'd ban you for it!?

Still I'd like to know what originally was censored?

If you dont specify than alice cant help but assume you just broke the rules.

So again, what exactly did they censor?



First of all, Can you tell me where and what you have said? Understanding the context would help. Mod or admin must had their reason to act, I doubt it was done freely to circumvent you from speaking.

If you have screenshot host them on a different site and post them back here. Also this as been flag as spam I don't see exactly why I will ignore it for the moment until further evidence.


Stop spamming retard. This is a slow IB so we already read your posts and didn't give a crap. You don't need to make another thread

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