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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Okay guys, I am currently browsing .org because /zzz/ is much more active there and mostly because it is supported by everychan.
How can I browse this site from my phone on a *chan app?


>Okay guys, I am currently browsing .org because /zzz/ is much more active there and mostly because it is supported by everychan.
They've been around like 3 years. We've been around like 3 days. Give us a chance. =P

>How can I browse this site from my phone on a *chan app?

We would like you to not have to in the first place. Making the site fully responsive (and functional without JavaScript) is one of our priorities.

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