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Kalyx ######

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Should Arisuchan allow hentai?


Only if we have Loli
Now that's how we get this site rolling.


Maybe it should be a hidden board


what good does having another hentai board do?
Just use another chan


It's an "eh" from me. I don't think this place suits it a whole lot, and besides, there are many (many) places that already do that, very well. No need for another.


Mark me as voting "no". There's a thousand other boards out there for that.


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I'd say no but if anything make it cyber themed



Yes, legalize loli


absolutely not


Hell, no. Places like wizchan (yes, I know that hentai is alowed there) have proven that the ban of porn is an effective normal person repellent. So arisuchan should be free of outright fapping material.


The answer to these things is almost always no, with very few exceptions.

Porn is easy to find anyways. Very. Literally just type in "porn" on your favorite internet browser and you'll get hundreds of thousands of results. If you wanna watch porn, go visit a porn site, don't bring it to places where it's not relevant. At least that's what I think.

Unless it was related to the topic at hand, I think it should be derezzed.


On a sitenote, I tried Icecat recently and none of the soykaf sites worked. Someone should make a list of FOSS compatible porn thats not just


Porn would only attract the wrong audience.
There are thousands of porn sites, chans, forums and imageboards that allow porn and have porn dedicated boards, even sites like 9gag have nsfw sections and yet you ask if an imageboard dedicated to cyberpunk culture should allow hentai.
If you need porn, 2D or 3D doesn't matter, everywhere you go, you may have a problem


too many clothed shots, not enough RMS nudes. 3/10, might revisit


File: 1540316358460.jpeg (183.62 KB, 660x939, robowaifu80s.jpeg)

Oh my darling
Oh my darling


I don't think posting a single image of anything nude or sexual is problem in itself as long as it is relevant to the topic of the thread.
However a thread or a board whose topic is just hentai is a big fat no. Sharing porn is more braindead than a /meme/ or a /pol/ would be, attracting braindead posters.


Forgot to add that these anime-girls dump threads that people keep bumping are also probably one of the reasons why this site died. Anyone actually interested in it came here, saw that 2 out of 5 first threads are those, and just left.


I don't think "normal people" crank it to hentai, they go to a tube site and watch videos of nubile 18 -25 year olds. Having porn boards would on the other hand attract the average mouthbreathing chantards who already have 100 other places to go.


Thanks. That still doesn't change the fact that it would attract an unwanted audience, though.


>those animegirl image threads
these are weird enough, I dont fancy lewd imagery to take their place, of any dimensionality.

we do have a lewd board at >>>/trap/, and this is fine. but lets try to keep the actually listed boards tasteful. I have no problem with some nudity, if I see hentai or porn I will ask that it be taken down.


Now we need a general hentai board.


just so long as its hidden, I'm not sure I care

then again why come here for porn ? how many sites are there dedicated to porn already ? how many imageboards and chansites ? why come to arisuchan for this and not one of the others that already litter the nets ?


All you fuckers should stop thinking about what pointless boards this place does or doesn't need, and instead start posting in the all these dead slow ones we already have. Make threads about interesting topics, or if you don't have anything interesting to say it's time to close the browser and go out/start a project that will produce something interesting to post about.


>>2148 (OP)

I don't see why we would allow such thing on the image board. I'm a mod and don't have any choice in allowing it or not, but I can stress this enough this website as no use of porn in anyway shape or form. A cyberpunk community oriented through the theme of The Serial Experiment Lain, justify to me porn in this?

It would be a categorical no from me.

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