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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1535453732705-0.png (112.98 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot at 2018-08-28 1….png)



>I hope you like it
I never knew about Firefox colors. This feels pretty nice. Thanks. ^_^


It looks great! The only change I would suggest is for the text to use the same color as the website. That way the red feels more like an accent that highlights the active tab the same way it marks OP here. Take a look:


My only complaint is the text color on the tabs themselves. I ended up altering my version to have gray text instead of normal.


Grey definitely seems more usable yeah


That is what >>2084 did.


What's up with the ugly blue title bar though? Close-expand-tray buttons are supposed to be in flush with tabs row, aren't they?



Welcome to linux.


you can get rid of them if you so wish

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