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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I feel like this community is oversaturated by the whole LAIN theme. I feel like it hinders the development of new independent culture.

I accept homages to roots, but this is too much. Year after year, every other pic references LAIN the anime.



And thus, I suggest a systematic and conscious de-LAINization of the site. We as a community should strive to learn and develop continuously, explore new memes and imagery. I propose a goal of 95% less LAIN imagery/memery by the year 2019.


it's called Arisuchan for fuсk's sake.
If you want a board that isn't Lain themed, there are plenty of those.


I'm not sure what you're doing here if you don't love lain…
In all seriousness though I disagree; while I think it'd be silly to discourage non-lain discussion / posting, I also think it'd be silly to consciously de-lain the site. While 100% serious about lain and my love for her, I've begun to feel this site is little more than symbolically lain themed. How much disussion of lain do you actually see being had on this site? At most 3 or 4 threads.

At the end of the day the site's going to have some sort of theme; lain is as good a mascot as any.


Go to 4chan if you don't like it lol. This is a themed board lol


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There's barely any Lain related content here, it doesn't feel that central to me.


i am not a lain fan. i am not part of a clique who believes there is a hidden afterlife on the wire or whatever. i watched it and it's alright, life goes on.

i am here so i can connect with same minded people without the whole "lol topkek cuck lelelel am ir8 troll lol" bs. i also like the feel of the site.



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