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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I love this site but I feel like things are slowing down. How do we get things moving again Alice?


By allowing in underage discordfags this site has lost its raison d'etre of cyberpunk themed technology discussion, the community is full of undedicated casuals.


Post more.


How would new members find their way here though? It's not exactly easy to discover.

Still I'm not sure where we could promote it.


Drop it in casual conversations on other chans, like "oh I saw that on arisuchan" blah blah


I'm a new user, the site and lain were recommended to me by word of mouth from some dude in a chatroom. I've been posting here and there the last week, but in all honesty I just find myself going to lain more because when I hit refresh over here after 6 hrs and there are no new posts to look at I get bored and close the tab.

Seconding this hard, this is literally the thing that is making this site lose my attention tbh.
>come here
>reply to 5-6 posts
>come back after 6hrs and my replies are still on the top of /all/
This is what kills chans.


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we should start an arisu project of some sort. Something that isn't very intense so it gets finished and something different than a zine


If its more attractive when people come here, then perhaps we dont need to do more promotion, as we can taise the retention rate.

totally totally your second part. I dont know how many chans I've gone to that seem totally dead. I typically go there once or twice, notice that all the last post times are weeks or months (or years) ago, and I loose interest. Maybe bump a few threads.

Of course we can be more active by getting new members, but we cant get new members without being more active. Its sort of a catch 22, but its also something that we individually can easily contribute.

come here. read a few threads, maybe do at least one or two bumps a day. The site will probably be better for it.


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maybe we can try running the Meguca live imageboard engine since the community is small enough it won't be hectic but it'll feel much more alive. We could atleast try a test board that runs it just to see what we all think


I'm not an oldfag I've only been here just under a year but site seems to be doing fine. Seriously if you want it to thrive post useful stuff. There's still a ton of threads on the bounty threads to open.
Yeah I'm afraid that bringing a lot of attention will just ruin the place.


"Allowing in?"

Mostly we're here because those other chans and their userbases suck though.


Things are slowing down because adult human beings don't give a "soykaf".


The hidden trap board needs more flux


>bringing a lot of attention will just ruin the place.

I feel like we could do with some traffic increase. Furthermore, its the simple nature of people here to sometimes drift away. We need some influx just to keep up this level of activity.

the trick is of course, how do we balance it to be just enough but not too much.


Arisuchan definately needs more traffic. Stagnation is never good.


There's a smaller concentration of casual content compared to other boards. Hopefully we'll find the sweet spot of finding new members while keeping discordteens out - maybe mentioning it in HN threads would help(?)


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As long as it is actually relevant to the discussion at hand. Don't just drop a link without a valid reason. "I saw an interesting thread about this on arisuchan" is a good start start I suppose.


attitudes along the lines of "allowing in discordfags" and "other chans have soykaf userbases" is problematic. i am sure every chan has at least one user who would fit right in here.

the point about retention rate is a good one; perhaps we should restructure this chan to make it more appealing to new users. what do people think about reducing the amount of boards on this chan (refreshing /all/ can often be depressing let alone individual boards)?


>I feel like things are slowing down.
Are there actual statistics for that? Trying to solve a problem without understanding it is dangerous.


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>Are there actual statistics for that?
Yes. This is the chart for all daily visitors until now beginning in May 2017 when we first started collecting these statistics, which was about two weeks after we launched.

Keep in mind that these statistics do not include all traffic because:

a) we respect the Do Not Track configuration set in web browsers
b) we do not circumvent adblock filter lists such as EasyPrivacy
c) we we do not employ the non-JavaScript analytics method to track those with scripts disabled

So it looks like things are actually somewhat improving recently, but overall I believe that activity and traffic is still below a critical threshold of long term sustainability. I don't want to see arisuchan become a massive, low-quality brewing soykaf board like /g/. I just want to see it reach a point where more worthwhile discussion is sufficient to warrant visiting individual boards instead of only /all/.

I would like to hear any feedback anyone has on how we might achieve this. I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility.


> ~200 browsing at any given time
Do you keep statistics for post and thread creation rates?


>200 browsing at any given time
No, it is total daily visitors, not average concurrent users.

>Do you keep statistics for post and thread creation rates?

No, we don't, but that's a good idea. It would require some PHP development though, which I do not know.


You could just dump the DB and do the extraction and analysis offline. I could also crawl the site and do the same thing. What's the hosting bandwidth situation? Would you notice?


Considering the amount of messages posted everyday, I find this figure interesting. It means that, except people that just check if they had answers to their thread/posts, many of us just come and read, only posting when we feel it's important enough and, in a way, try not to pollute the board. That's how I see it anyways. It does not have much to do with the topic here, but I think that's at least a mindset I'd like to see perpetuated through time



on some level, I agree – I don't want to read random, utterly uneducated opinions about stuff, and would perhaps rather see nothing than that blather, but I figure in many cases, people here know interesting things, have interesting opinions, on if not all, at least a fair number of the topics discussed, and at the very least ones that would fit in well.

Please, if you're waiting on the side, reading siltently; come in, post a thread, make a few comments. Sure, don't feel obliged to post to a thread if you cant make an good question or comment, but please, please please please contribute when you can.

If you're here, you're already part of the community. We're all basically humans, none of us quite know what we're talking about, but together maybe we can push eachother in the right directions and grow with eachother more effectively than we could alone.


Arisuchan doesn't have to be a fast-paced imageboard. In fact, the content being infrequent is probably a good thing, since it encourages us to spend time creating good posts, knowing that they will stay up for a while.


I second this opinion, and in fact am rather partial to the slow nature of this board.


It's a double edged sword honestly. More traffic would be nice, but I feel that I've learned quite a lot even for like 5 months I've been here.

I'll probably donate soon-ish, but in any case we could stick as a community, in case things go down.


I think that some interesting projects would do a better thing to build our community than advertising this site in other media.
This way we can invite people interested in similar things like ours and more possibly liking culture we have built here.
So the quality of posts wouldn't decrease because this is the best thing which brings me back here since 'classical /g/' went straight into the soykaf and became endless cesspool pit.



The discussions here are great, and I want to be in more of them. Having a slow board hinders this desire, as less frequency == less discussion.


i am a lurker here, since late 2016. What is soykaf?



>What is soykaf?
soykaf, n. coffee substitute made from genetically modified soybeans produced at reduced cost, but with less desirable flavor than actual coffee



Thanks. I will go back to lurking and learning board culture.


How could it take that long? I looked it up a few days after I started lurking.

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