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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492771669636.jpg (226.37 KB, 651x672, lain.jpg)


Is tor posting without javascript enabled? Rather post this here since there isn't a test board.
To post this I had to:
Enable HTTP Referrers
Enable Javascript
Disable HTTP Referrer spoofing
Disable tor
Can this be fixed? .org doesn't do this.


Odd, I thought we've been given Tor support.


1st Attempt: Your IP address is listed in
2nd attempt: This


We have, it's OP's problem.

All I had to do was get a new identity.


>Odd, I thought we've been given Tor support.
It was only blocked for the first day.


>Rather post this here since there isn't a test board.
There is a test board it is /b/ (lol).


>Your IP address is listed in
>Your IP address is listed in
>Your IP address is listed in




Good to see tor works. Let's see how it goes along posting with my default config.
To post this I had to:
Enable HTTP Referrers
Disable HTTP Referrer spoofing
I'm not familiar with vichan nor tinyboard but .org uses both and I have no problem posting with these enabled.

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