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Kalyx ######

File: 1526509881867.jpg (166.98 KB, 1079x498, Smite-SuperKawaiiChest-PCL….jpg)


I'm interested in learning more about what y'all are doing with that graphic design firm thing and possibly interested in working with you




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>I'm interested in learning more about what y'all are doing with that graphic design firm thing and possibly interested in working with you
I made the earlier announcement in haste while my business partner and I were wrapping up everything in New York City and preparing for our move to Chiang Mai. We wanted to make sure we fully incorporated the company and established business accounts where necessary before we left the United States. I'm sorry I didn't have time to follow up sooner.

Anyways, it took us a bit to get settled into our new apartments and we are just now resuming some client work we had started before we moved. After we finish this project we will revise our personal sites, create a website for the company, and begin formally offering graphic design, web development, and data analytics services.

I'm assuming you were interested in one of those? ^_^


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oh, sweet. I'm interested in working with you on the graphic design, web design front.


What did you need done exactly?


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sorry for the confusion. I'm looking to be on your team as a graphic designer, photographer, and possibly web designer.


That's fine. Can you send me your portfolio and/or resume?


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sent :)

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