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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1518469671530.png (41.63 KB, 800x363, 800px-Vp9-logo-for-mediawi….png)


It looks like vp9 webms don't have thumbnails: >>>/cult/1673 & >>>/cult/1656

I think this is where thumbnails for webms are generated:

Since it uses ffmpeg and the command seems to be correct, simply updating ffmpeg will probably fix it.


Or maybe it's Firefox that can't play the thumbnail? It seems to be there and mpv can play it without any problems:


On Chromium and thumbnails also don't show


>Since it uses ffmpeg and the command seems to be correct, simply updating ffmpeg will probably fix it.
I'm testing it out now.


I was wrong, after reading it seems that the problem is that Arisuchan does not use ffmpeg but some hand-written PHP webm parser, maybe we could try setting
to true and test if that fixes the problem.


I've made that change and rebuilt the board.


File: 1518686076612.webm (3.22 MB, 1280x720, ibis.webm)

Can you set
to true? For some reason the previous setting ignored it but now you can't post webm with audio.


Done. Thanks for your help. ^_^


File: 1518773077132.webm (2.62 MB, 1280x720, mosh.webm)

Thank you for fixing it!


Pretty intense mosh pit.

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