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/q/ - arisuchan meta

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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I feel like there are too many boards which dilute user activity. Specialized boards make sense for larger sites but not for a small one like this. This also makes you too dependant on /all/ for seeing new posts when the classic imageboard experience is to visit each board for an update.

You could mash together /cyb/, /tech/, /lambda/ and /delta/ into one, same with /art/ and /cult/. Less is more.


Perhaps we could help the site grow instead?


And drown in soykaf like lainchan?


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I'm fine with the number of boards. Just give it a few years more and there's going to be more activity on each.


I do feel there's too many boards. I remember the creation of this place was the idea of having a small amount of clutter. Really the boards that should go away is /ru/ and /sr/. I don't really see a difference between dev and meta and could be one board.


>I do feel there's too many boards. I remember the creation of this place was the idea of having a small amount of clutter.
This continues to be true for the most part, but we are more interested in increasing users than reducing the number of boards.

>Really the boards that should go away is /ru/ and /sr/.

The /sr/ board is not on /all/ and will likely be deleted when the main Systemspace board is back online. Perhaps it should be removed from the header though.

>I don't really see a difference between dev and meta and could be one board.

That's a good point. We were hoping to have an active development team to improve the software, but it never materialized. As such I have merged them just now.


I imagine that /sr/ would be removed eventually like you said, no need to hide it in my opinion if that's the case. Thanks for responding <#


I would like to mention that the systemspace boards are online and can be posted in at

Personally, I'd love for /sr/ to remain on arisuchan, but perhaps not in the navbar. It'll just become a hidden board.


That is an unofficial mirror. The official site is
, not


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There are passengers for every train. Diversity is strength.

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