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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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So, forgive me if this is the wrong board to post this in, but it has to do with the community here itself so I think this is the correct place to put it.

I'm not here to whine about how oppressed conservatives are or any of that bullsoykaf. But over the last few days there have been some ridiculously heated debates started over practically nothing, and instead of having a conversation it seems anyone making government regulations or socialism look bad is dog-piled and harassed with insults. It's toxic and incredibly annoying.

This isn't to say that the mods should be stepping in or any nonsense like that, just an open letter of sorts to my fellow lainon - most of whom are perfectly reasonable people that are just as annoyed with this as I am. I have no problem with political discussions - personally I rather enjoy them. But it's annoying when my feed or even replies to my own comments are full of insults at one another or me instead of actual input or opinion on the matter at hand.

Idk, Alice. Just cool it, aye? Not every liberal is a progressive snowflake and not every conservative is a corporate shilling /pol/troll. We're all here because we love SEL and all things cyberpunk, so there's no reason to be bickering like children.

Let's keep things civil. Let's all live Lain.


If worshiping corporate tyranny is compatible with "all things cyberpunk" then I certainly don't love all things cyberpunk.



Well for what i experience even when i made mistakes in my arguments i never had any insult through at me, people simply point out that it was stupid, which it was.

I agree with you, but we cannot denied the fact that political conversation as always been heated and i think Arisuchan is doing a good job as a community to keep it on track, people argue over their words and not their character, and when they make mistake they acknowledge it. Some people here are still getting offended when someone tell them that what they said is stupid, yet i think you just need to not take everything personal. We're all here to argue, learn and share.

One example is the debate on NN, loved how someone made a mistake and just excuse himself or how the debate don't always says "LOL ur WRonG" But actually trying to explain their view by using good arguments.

That how we grow as individual and as a community. Let people fall so we can get up stronger.


Actually the NN debate had one of the bad apples I was referring too. But like you and I both said, most of us aren't too shabby when it comes to keeping debates proper and making efforts to keep them from devolving. This community's pretty great in that regard.

Idk, maybe it was just the same individual on multiple threads

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