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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1492627157040.png (85.69 KB, 711x451, Tor_project_logo_hq.png)


We've just enabled you to post from tor. We trust that you will make good use of and enjoy this service.


Love you, kissu~


I had to rotate through what had to be over 20 circuits to arrive at the one I'm at now that's coming through.
The auto-response is:

>Your IP address is listed in

Please fix, it's unbearable.


>Please fix, it's unbearable.
Apparently we missed one exit node in the configuration file. Please clear your cache and try again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


Next step: onion server

Ask the folks at (http://dfgx6vnyxqg3h36d.onion/)
I think they would be glad to guide in setting it up if you're previously unfamiliar with the steps

Great to see this developing!


Very nice.

Here is a really short, basic rundown on setting up a hidden service.

Please do so. Thanks.



Yes this would be great feature a hidden service :)


Get an onion server!


.onion server would be nice


Any news regarding the implementation of a hidden service?



There is no ETA at the moment but yes it has been discuss recently. I've talked to Seph about it there is simply other priority right now that she need to fix before engaging in a project like this.

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