>We don't censor ideas; we delete low-quality posts. Well-articulated arguments and a little bit of effort go a long way.I'll delete anything that doesn't follow these guidelines. I don't know what thread was deleted, but a lot of posts, mostly on /z/, have been removed because they don't even come close to follow this rule. Personal attacks and namecalling aren't discussion, you can have threads about politics but they're going to be held to the same standard as everything else on the website.
To clarify, this comes from all political alignments, looking through what I've deleted, at least recently, nobody is an a position to claim the moral high ground. Libertarians, authoritarians, capitalists, socialists, communists, everyone has broken these rules and had posts deleted. Part of it is the subject matter, I get that people have very strong opinions on politics, probably moreso than most of the other content on the board, but if you can't take a step back and clearly express your opinion, and actually engage in discussion, it's not going to be left on the website.