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/q/ - arisuchan meta

discuss arisuchan itself. comments and questions welcome.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1504668164369.jpg (50.69 KB, 433x557, 1485742526016.jpg)


How does arisuchan become what Lainchan should have been but couldn’t be?


Personally, I think I'ts but an iteration of a nomadic community.
The internet is still a sort of wild west with gangs of 12 year olds stirring up soykaf where they can. The democratic nature of this kind of hangout makes it possible for the flood of "so-called-normals" to overtake (see Degradation of a Hobby).


File: 1506759598777.png (2.85 MB, 2404x1780, degredation-of-a-hobby.png)


I had to Google this. Man, that's some serious autism right there.

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