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/q/ - arisuchan meta

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1504232046096.jpg (75.16 KB, 1280x720, 1493504173242-0.jpg)


fix infinite scrolling and hide all threads from board. The site is becoming less useable day by day. /all/ is now just /ru/ and /sr/


Why not just go to the specific board you want? /all/ is filled with /sr/ and /ru/ posts because they getting a lot of posts. It is doing what /all/ is supposed to do. I mean I kind of get where you are coming from but soykaf man.


cuz i wanna browse all boards except x and ru


>fix infinite scrolling and hide all threads from board. The site is becoming less useable day by day. /all/ is now just /ru/ and /sr/
We have increased the topic count on /all/ to 50.


Because they're supposed to be "refugee" boards. Why do I want them cluttering up /all/?
Please remove /ru/ and /sr/ from /all/. If anyone wants to see those boards, they should go there. There's no reason for the original lain boards to be overshadowed by a hopefully temporary harboring of "refugees".


It's not temporary. Seph replaced all of the admins/mods with new people and is merging with systemspace. Kalyx quit.

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