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/q/ - arisuchan meta

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1501943995178.jpg (99.15 KB, 1024x782, morse.jpg)


The catalog link from /all/ sends you to 404.
.jp doesn't work in overchan (imageboard client for android) but .org does, is that easy to turn on?
I can't move, close or resize the quick reply box, there's no X button and the resize corner thingy doesn't work. Is it just me?


a catalog link for every single thread on the site could be bad lol, maybe we should redirect it to the homepage.

the quickreply thing is a bug.

seph pls fix


>a catalog link for every single thread on the site could be bad lol
I was referring to the board's catalog link, if I remember correctly used to work but now it's 404.

>the quickreply thing is a bug.

Ok, thanks!


File: 1503071389286.png (33.44 KB, 170x273, 1498833278369.png)

I was gonna post about this actually, + the quick reply feature. Using the index instead of catalog isn't really ideal, and the quick reply box being unmovable is flat out annoying.


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File: 1503182742175-1.png (100.95 KB, 1080x2220, device-2017-08-19-234440.png)

>.jp doesn't work in overchan (imageboard client for android) but .org does, is that easy to turn on?
It's easy to turn on. Did it for my own use.

I quickly added here:

Unofficial releases are being done here:
I'll send in a pull request with later if I have the time.


File: 1503193530418.jpg (781.34 KB, 3000x2175, 4683_kristen_connolly.jpg)

>The catalog link from /all/ sends you to 404.
That is because there is no catalog for overboards. The link needs to be removed, but it isn't a priority.

>I can't move, close or resize the quick reply box, there's no X button and the resize corner thingy doesn't work. Is it just me?

The CSS for the quick reply was unwieldy and a solution was made in haste. The only way to style it appropriately was to place it in a fixed size and position. I don't like it how it is either. I will see about fixing this when I redo the stylesheet.

There are a constellation of issues (50+) with the site listed on gitlain, but zero have been fixed. No one is able or willing to work on the board so by default problems will remain indefinitely.

If you would like to volunteer to change this, please see the /dev/ board. Thank you.

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