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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

File: 1492496344202.jpg (69.96 KB, 600x337, meditation-techniques-bodh….jpg)


seemed to be popular on /zzz/, so let's bring it back.

I try to meditate at least once a week, it used to be once daily but I've fallen behind. There's a really nice spot at my campus: an old amphitheater that was closed for renovation after a kid nearly died there. It's a really calming place, I can usually spend 20-40 minutes there if it's nice out.


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I meditate daily, it made me a lot calmer and now I'm afraid to stop.


You must become even more calm, to the point where you are not afraid of stopping.


What even is meditation, sitting still and thinking of nothing for a really long time? I'd rather smoke a bowl.


>What even is meditation, sitting still and thinking of nothing for a really long time? I'd rather smoke a bowl.
Thinking of nothing is much more challenging than one would think.


>Thinking of nothing is much more challenging than one would think.
Taking a look at the general population I find that surprising. Any resources on combining meditation with cannabis?



I would suggest meditating sober first, and then later experimenting with MJ.


The paradoxical aspect of this is, that if you acquire skill at sitting still and thinking about nothing, meditation can be a more powerful hallucinagin then marijuana… if that's what you're looking for. After much practice, one can enter hypnogogic and lucid dream states that the highest aspirations of virtual reality technology could barely approximate.

Also, to use a stretched tech metaphor, aquirring the skill of sitting still and thinking about nothing can allow for a hard or soft reset to consciousness. That skill can be indispensable to an individual who suffers from racing thoughts or anxiety.


people are constantly assaulted with information, constantly worrying, constantly thinking about what others think of them and so on and so on. Very few people ever truly think about nothing. Not even the most enlightened buddhist monk thinks of nothing at all times. It is very difficult. I myself can barely do more than 20 minutes.

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