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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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What's a good drug that calms you down but isn't as addictive as say Lean or something.
Weed makes me paranoid, and I got a few mental issues, but that's why I want to start getting in to drugs.
I get so angry at times that I beat my self up until I get massive bruises & such, I mess up every friendship I make due to jealousy or anger problems..

Is there any good alternative to weed? (Alcohol is one, but that usually just makes me sad & depressed)


Nadi Sudi, see pages 38-39. in this pdf:


what about morphine?
Can you control that?


Forget it Al, you'll just be wasting time and energy on it, and most of the soykaf has about zero therapeutic effect in the long run. Work on your psyche, try meditation ffs.


get prescribed propranolol (very easy) or try red vein kratom


Weed also makes me noided, but i find a few drops of cbd oil work well for anxiety. I imagine it's the thc that causes paranoia. You're gonna struggle to find strong drugs that are completely non-addictive, I think your best bet is to rotate your substances so that you never have the chance to get addicted to one. Obviously you have to be careful with that method. I'd recomend looking on here <> for stuff that's effective against anxiety. (inb4 >reddit). Be carefull with benzos and gabapentoids, the rebound anxiety can be a nightmare, which then makes you want to redose and before you know it you're fucked. Not to say that they can't be usefull, but you need self control and to use them sparingly. Nicotine is pretty great, it's got anti-anxiety effects but also the ritual of smoking/ vaping is useful for calming you down, doing a set of actions you're very used to helps to ground you. You mention lean, but personally I don't think opoids are that great for anxiety, in fact the respiratory depression they cause tends to freak me out even more. If you go to the doctors they WILL try and perscribe you SSRIs, which have never really been demonstrated to be very effective against anxiety, and are probably to be avoided. Also, very important, DON"T UNDERESTIMATE TEA. Teas are a cocktail of brilliant calming and focus enhancing chemicals. I'd recomend green tea, chamomile, and vallerian root. Also once again the ritual of brewing tea is calming and reassuring in itself. If you have very bad chronic anxiety problems, and are looking for a more permanent cure, I've heard some success stories of magic mushrooms, a single psycadellic dose can sort of jump start your brain which may be effective at treating chronic anger or anxiety problems. However, the science is still being explored, and you should always take propper precautions when using psycadellics (have an experienced sitter with you, set and setting, etc.) Also in low doses shrooms are very similar to weed so if youre looking for a weed alternative recreationally that might be something to look into [remember 4-meo-dmt is legal in a lot of places and virtually indistinguishable from psilosybin]. Finally, ketamine and other dissociatives are incredibly effective against anxiety, but I'm not sure I could recomend that as some people are very uncomfortable with the effects, and it can lead to some rather unhealthy soykaf (mania, erratic behaviour, strong belief that your self/the world isn't real). Once again be safe and practice harm reduction. Always start with a lower dose than you think you need, you can always dose more but you can't undo dosing too much.
All of this being said, I think if you are one of the unlucky ones born with a broken brain, you've kind of just gotta live with it. An understanding of the transience of all things is helpfull here, but it's always going to be tough. Good luck to you friend.

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