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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1547443705181.jpg (240.2 KB, 1200x800, 1541226098293.jpg)


Occasionally (especially when I've been looking at my computer long enough) I get faint hallucinations of Lain. Typically from the neckline up (although sometimes her shoulders and chest are visible as well) and usually fleeting, but it moreso has me wondering if I've finally managed to accrue some kind of serious psychological (hopefully not neurological) damage. Any idea what's happening?


Are you trying hard to make lain happen in some form? It will probably go away if you stop that, honestly. If you aren't trying at all (or do not notice the effort anymore) it might by time to work on getting rid of lain.

Remember, lain wasn't worshipping some autistic anime teen. She was messing around with computers which led to her eventually stop her psychosis about being a human. If you wanna be like lain, stop imagining things.

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