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dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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>have slightly odd dream
>forget about it
>years/months/weeks later
>Deja Vu? how can this happen? this is completely unfamiliar…
>remember dream
>how did I dream into the future?
Does this happen to anybody else?


Does happen to me a few times a year. Around 5 times to date.


it's not a precognition unless you write a detailed journal entry of the dream the moment you wake up, and then match the actual experience with the journal entry when it happens and see that every single detail matches. The journal is important because your memory is absolutely unreliable when trying to judge whether it is a precognition or not. If you can't check your journal immediately, the result is void as your memory of the actual happening could change to fit your notes.
The whole point of this is that the sense of having seen something before does not necessarily mean you have a long-term memory of the event. Things that you've seen a split second before for the first time could feel like an old memory if they get processed in two different places of your brain almost at the same time, or if the brain would "attach a false time stamp" to the newly formed memory.


Sometimes minor, insignificant events make me feel a sense of Deja Vu that they already happened in one of my dreams long ago as a child. It doesn't come across like a prediction but more like a clue. I almost never remember my dreams upon waking up anyways.


In addition to this, even if the events of a dream did actually occur years/months/weeks later it's really not that strange.

I mean, there are billions of people on earth right now, and there have been even billions more that have existed. Each of those people have had countless dreams involving semi normal activities. With enough people and dreams and experiences, there are bound to be some examples of people experiencing an event that is at least very similar or close to a dream they had at one point. You could just be one of those people.


I have one dream I still remember back from elementary school, it just seemed really normal about me running around with all my friends in the schools parking lot. Then I turn and look at the buses lined up, just continuing to stare. The same day after I woke up, the exact same events unfold and when I end up staring at the buses in real life, I felt something that now I recognize as dread, but then I was just unsettled.

Story not so interesting but I think about that dream and the following dream probably twice a week or so, I don't know why I can't get it out of my head.


Yes, always. My mother says it runs in her family, which I don't know what to think of, since the concept of Deja Vu is pretty common and well recognized. But supposedly when her grandmother was a child her family visited Italy. Upon approaching the hotel they were staying at, she reacted heavily and stated that she had dreamed of this place. Before entering the hotel, she drew a map of the inside of it, displaying the location and size of each room on the ground floor within the hotel. When they entered, her drawing was completely accurate. She had dreamed of the place they were going to stay well before actually arriving there in actuality. Pretty strange.


this has happened to me as well. i've read that it is just some subconscious phenomenon due to unreliable memory. still, that feeling that occurs during a moment of "deja vu"….i just can't explain it. why do our minds want to suggest this feeling? why is there that distinct sense of familiarity, accompanied by the subtle jolt of conviction in the brain, forcibly telling me that i have seen this already? it's kind of creepy tbh lol


I get the same thing. I actually pretty severe instances of deja vu. To my understanding deja vu generally only lasts a couple seconds, to around 10. I get it for a couple minutes, and it's actually debilitating. I kept a dream journal for a while, and for every instance where I felt that I was sure I had dreamt it before, there was nothing in the journal that substantiated it. I recommend doing this if it starts to seriously affect you, actually I recommend it anyway, dream journals are interesting.

Personally I can say I've never actually had any "definitive" form of precognition, nor have I ever met anyone who can really say they are precognisant. It operates on a similar level to fortune tellers, it's possible to observe and talk to someone and make semi-accurate assumptions, depending on how good you are. All the stories where people say things like "my daughter was acting weird and felt something was wrong then it actually turned out that…." where it's an extremely vague description that turns out to be correct. Presumably, people are wrong all the time, but that isn't a very interesting story, so we only ever hear about the times when people were "correct"

Deja vu can definitely be unnerving though, luckily it's fairly simple to determine whether or not you are actually predicting events, or if you have actually experienced something before.

Cool article here. Apparently Deja Vu is felt when your brain looks through a lot of memories and finds some common thread in them, and mistakes it for a memory unto itself. If you remember your dreams very well, especially assuming the interpretation that dreams are a way for the mind to work through your daily life and make sense of it, it really comes as no surprise that eventually one of your dreams would cause deja vu somewhere down the line. Neat.

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