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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Kalyx ######

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I took a LSD yesterday, everything felt so real.
I feel different now, how i see the world and my perceptions.
Are we really living the reality?


Yeah, we are. You probably just low standards of acceptance which didn't take you far enough to make your LSD trip feel as something else.


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What is more likely to be true: the world you perceive every day, or the world you perceive when you toy around with your brain?


Obvious answer is day-to-day experience. But I do hold true that a psychedelic experience can provide a profound perspective shift on your day-to-day. It's been a while since I've dabbled with LSD but it was a life altering experience every time.


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>What is more likely to be true: the world in your brain you made up yourself every day through your habits, or the world in your brain when you shake around things a bit?


practically speaking, shaken brains dont seem to perceive the same thing, even at the same time and place. Nor do normal brains but, its usually a lot closer.


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how many times do i need to take it before it begins to blow my mind? a friend of mine said i won't pull back the smoke and mirrors on the first trip.

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