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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

File: 1542876389055.png (113.87 KB, 768x432, chaos.png)


Have you ever consulted a psychotherapist, Alice?
If so, what information about yourself have you entrusted them?

If you were involved in various hacking activities, would you tell them?


> /psy/
> Have you ever consulted a psychotherapist, Alice?
> You are viewing a single post thread


If you need help you need help. Don't get yourself or anyone else in legal trouble. If you are not paranoid then you are not paying attention so watch what you say or you will sink the ship.


> need a psychoterapist help
> need to tell her some private stuff but I'm too much paranoic about that.
> refuse a psychoterapist help
> GO TO 1


I yearn for someone i can trust and let it all out, unfortunately i can't trust a terapist. The relationship is molded by too many variables that makes me unable to assess trustworthiness.


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