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/psy/ - psychology and psychonautics

dreams. drgs. altered states of consciousness.

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Help me fix this shit.

Kalyx ######

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Any of you guys ever feel like your mind is split? Not into like two personalities or choices,but as if you think differently at such times as if you have different knowledge.
I've felt this since I was a kid, where my mind would be divided into two or sometimes even three parts and each compartmentalized information from the other,each capable and of its own thoughts which would've been identical to the others if they had the same information to go off of,made me struggle a lot as a kid any questions that were thrown to me were deciphered in 2 parts and then combined,sometimes helped me but mostly I would get the answer wrong. It doesn't happen as often now,I might even have a bit of control over it,I sometimes use it to think about two things at the same time,but it's usually tiring. I think I can use this to my profit but not many people ik experience this.
If anyone here has had something similar happen to them then I'd love to know your thoughts.


Dont know if it is related but that remind me of ID-SuperEgo-Ego theory
if i remember correctly it was like this:
Our psychology split into three part, ID is the one that acts for body's animalistic needs (like sex), Super Ego is the one that acts accordingly to society's needs/social pressure , Ego is logical one and it is trying to make the good choice between id and super ego.


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Same here OP. Sometimes I become a pro-trump and suddenly become a pro-obama hehe well fuck. As you said, this is not a charachteristic issue. Just sometimes you feel as you are not. Its highly complicated but notice that you are not lonely.


A great explanation was made by CGPGrey about the split brain - I find it relevant to this thread


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yeah, it's like there's multiple versions of me all competing to be the 'real me'.

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